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ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY OR DEATH A Free Syrian Army fighter walks past a damaged tank and a dead body, which according to the FSA, belongs to forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad, outside the Minnig Military Airport, August 6, 2013. Syrian rebels captured a main military airport near the border with Turkey on Tuesday, consolidating their hold on a key supply route north of the city of Aleppo, opposition activists said. The reported capture of the Minnig Military Airport, situated on the road between Aleppo and the Turkish city of Gaziantep, after an eight-month siege, marks an important symbolic victory for the opposition, following a string of defeats to President Bashar al-Assad's forces in central Syria, the sources said. REUTERS/Hamid Khatib (SYRIA - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST CONFLICT) TEMPLATE OUT
圖片來源: Reuters


原計劃今年5月舉行的日內瓦第二次國際敘利亞和平會議何時能夠召開遙遙無期。俄羅斯副外長加季洛夫(Gennadi Gatilow)周二(8月13日)對國際文傳電訊社表示,會議已不可能在今年9月舉行。他強調,俄羅斯希望第二次日內瓦會議能盡快召開,但不能不對影響會議召開的現實情況取現實主義的態度。作為此次會議的共同倡議者,俄羅斯和美國外長上周在華盛頓會晤後雖再度呼籲盡早舉行會議,但未提出如何能使敘內戰各方同意與會的計劃。敘利亞反政府派別內部迄今未能就由誰作為代表與會達成共識。與此同時,政府軍近來在戰場上連連得手更使人們對阿薩德當局是否還願意參加和平會議的懷疑增加。此為,對是否應讓伊朗也與會,俄美之間爭議依舊。

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