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epa03148392 A handout photograph released by the Syrian Arab news agency (SANA) shows Syrian security officers inspecting the site of a bombing in Damascus, Syria 17 March 2012. Reports state that a number of civilians and Syrian security men died in two explosions targeting two intelligence centers, one targeted a building of security, criminal in the customs area and second in the region and targeted Air Intelligence Center in Kassa'a area in Damascus Syria. EPA/SYRIAN NEWS AGENCY SANA / HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
大馬士革爆炸襲擊圖片來源: SANA


大馬士革發生嚴重爆炸案一天之後,在敘利亞第二大城市阿勒頗(Aleppo ),一枚汽車炸彈爆炸。據敘利亞反對派稱,爆炸發生在當地安全部隊的營地附近,據稱造成人員傷亡。敘利亞反對派宣佈本周日在全國各地舉行集會,紀念反對總統阿薩德的抗議運動爆發一周年。

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