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Palestinian women, who had been living at Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp in Syria, wait as Syrian and Palestinian men queue to get their papers stamped at the Lebanese immigrations authority at the Lebanese-Syrian border, in al-Masnaa December 18, 2012. More than 1,000 Palestinian refugees living in Syria have crossed into Lebanon in the past 24 hours, a source at the Lebanese border said on Tuesday, after Syrian rebels took control of a Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus. REUTERS/Jamal Saidi (LEBANON - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST SOCIETY IMMIGRATION)
Syrien Jarmuk Flüchtlinge Palästinenser圖片來源: Reuters



與此同時,在敘利亞遭到劫持的新聞記者及其團隊在被監禁五天之後重獲自由。據土耳其媒體報導,來自美國NBC電視台的記者恩格爾(Richard Engel)和他的四名同事在一個哨所被釋放。反對派武裝自由敘利亞軍團(Ahrar al-Scham)對位於倫敦的敘利亞人權觀察組織透露,他們已經將這些外國記者釋放。上周四,這一記者團隊從土耳其進入敘利亞之後,被一個不明組織劫持。

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