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epa03611934 Salim Idriss, the chief of staff of the Free Syrian Army, attends a joint news conference on Syria with Guy Verhofstadt (unseen), Belgian member of the European Parliament (EP) and leader of the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, at the EU Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, 06 March 2013. The military leader of Syria's rebels on 06 March stepped up the pressure on the international community to arm his men, saying during his first visit to the European Union that his forces cannot overthrow the Syrian regime without the support. EPA/JULIEN WARNAND +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Syrien Militärchef der Rebellen Salim Idriss im Europaparlament圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

鑑於黎巴嫩真主黨對敘利亞政府軍的支持,敘反對派武裝參謀長伊德裡斯(Salim Idriss)威脅要對黎巴嫩真主黨的什葉派民兵進行攻擊。在接受阿拉伯電視台採訪時,伊德裡斯向真主黨下了24小時通牒,要求他們將武裝人員從敘利亞撤走,否則就將用盡全力追擊這些民兵,「哪怕追到地獄也不足惜」。一段時間以來,真主黨通過派遣武裝人員對敘利亞總統阿薩德予以支持。僅僅在靠近黎巴嫩邊境的城市古塞爾(Kusseir),就有1700真主黨武裝人員參與戰鬥。這引起了國際社會對於敘利亞內戰可能波及到黎巴嫩的擔憂。周二,有三名黎巴嫩士兵在邊境地區遭到伏擊槍擊身亡。上周末,貝魯特遭到了導彈襲擊,這在敘利亞內戰衝突爆發以來尚屬首次。

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