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Syrian rebels inspect a tank that was left behind by government forces following clashes in the outskirts of the northern city of Raqqa on July 1, 2013. Fighting between rebels and regime loyalists continue amid diplomatic efforts to end the two-year conflict that has killed more than 100,000 people since March 2011, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. AFP PHOTO/MEZAR MATAR (Photo credit should read MEZAR MATAR/AFP/Getty Images)
圖片來源: Mezar Matar/AFP/Getty Images


敘利亞反對派預期,很快能从沙烏地阿拉伯得到先進武器裝備。新任敘利亞反對派和革命力量全國聯盟主席賈爾巴(Ahmad Dscharba)當地時間7月7日在伊斯坦堡對路透社表示,這將改善抵抗武裝所處的軍事地位。與沙烏地關係密切的賈爾巴上周末被選舉為反對派全國聯盟新主席。賈爾巴重申,在軍事地位增強之前,反對派不會參加美俄兩國計劃的日內瓦國際敘利亞和平會議。賈爾巴同時向阿薩德為首的敘利亞當局建議,在齋月期間實行停火,中止在被包圍的反對派重鎮霍姆斯的戰鬥。得到黎巴嫩真主黨民兵支援的敘政府軍數月來對霍姆斯的反對派武裝發動攻勢。反對派方面缺乏重武器,難以對付戰機和坦克,在軍事上明顯處於弱勢。

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