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A Taiwan fishing boat (R) is blocked by a Japan Coast Guard (L) vessel near the disputed Diaoyu / Senkaku islands in the East China Sea on September 25, 2012. Coastguard vessels from Japan and Taiwan duelled with water cannon after dozens of Taiwanese boats escorted by patrol ships sailed into waters around Tokyo-controlled islands. Japanese coastguard ships sprayed water at the fishing vessels, footage on national broadcaster NHK showed, with the Taiwanese patrol boats directing their own high-pressure hoses at the Japanese ships. AFP PHOTO / Sam Yeh (Photo credit should read SAM YEH/AFP/GettyImages)
圖片來源: Getty Images


據法新社報導,日中島嶼主權之爭加劇。日本防衛大臣小野寺五典(Itsunori Onodera)周二(10月29日)指責中國的行為危及和平,對有可能發生軍事衝突提出警告。他稱,他相信,中方艦、機進入尖閣諸島(北京稱「釣魚島」)周圍海、空域就是進入了介於和平與緊急狀態之間的「灰色地帶」。中國國防部上周六警告日本不得向中方飛機開火,否則,中方將視之為一種「嚴重挑釁」、一種戰爭行為。日本媒體此前報導說,安倍晉三首相已批准日本軍方的相關計劃,根據這些計劃,在中方無人機不按日方要求離開日領空的情況下,日方將予以擊落。觀察家注意到,日中島嶼主權爭議加劇之時正值日本舉行大規模軍事演習前夕。日本計劃從本周五起在一個島群上舉行將投入3.4萬兵力的防禦和收復島嶼軍事演習。

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