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The lower house of the parliament is seen before the start of the vote for the new president in Rome April 18, 2013. Italy's divided parliament begins voting for a new state president today, with former Senate Speaker Franco Marini the main candidate in a ballot that will severely strain the unity of the centre-left alliance led by Pier Luigi Bersani. The vote for a successor to President Giorgio Napolitano, whose term ends on May 15, will be a crucial step towards resolving the stalemate since the inconclusive election in February left no party with enough support to form a government. REUTERS/Tony Gentile (ITALY - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS)


義大利左翼政黨「民主黨」和右翼政黨「自由人民黨」的聯合候選人馬裡尼(Franco Marini)在昨天舉行的義大利下屆總統兩輪投票中均告失利後,義大利左翼陣營推舉政府前總理普羅迪(Romano Prodi)為新候選人,成為現總統納波利塔諾(Giorgio Napolitano)的後繼者。民主黨主席貝爾桑尼(Luigi Bersani)周五(4月19日)提名曾擔任過歐盟委員會主席的普羅迪為總統競選人,該黨選舉人一致通過該項提名。一般認為,普羅迪有望在預定今天下午舉行的第四輪投票中就得到所需的絕對多數而當選。前總理貝盧斯科尼領導的「自由人民黨」對貝爾桑尼提名普羅迪為新總統候選人表示強烈不滿。

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