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People are pictured at a polling station during the general elections on March 12, 2013 in Nuuk, Greenland. Greenland votes Tuesday in an election focused on the vast Arctic island's untapped mineral resources that promises to be a close race between incumbent Prime Minister, left-winger Kuupik Kleist and social democrat Aleqa Hammond. AFP PHOTO / SCANPIX DENMARK / ULRIK BANG / DENMARK OUT (Photo credit should read ULRICH BANG/AFP/Getty Images)
圖片來源: Ulrik Bang/AFP/Getty Images


丹麥自治省—格陵蘭島未來四年將由大聯合政府領導。據當地媒體周三(3月20日)報導,一周前在大選中獲勝的原在野黨—社會民主主義的前進黨(Siumut)領袖哈蒙德(Aleqa Hammond)同持保守立場的團結黨(Atassut)和具有民族主義傾向的「因紐特人社區(Inuit)」就聯合組閣達成一致。哈蒙德將接替左翼工人黨籍的克萊斯特(Kuupik Kleist)出任自治政府新主席。人口5.7萬的格陵蘭島自然資源蘊藏豐富,隨著氣候變暖,位於極地的該島地下資源變得易於開發,從而為多年來尋求更大自主權的格陵蘭提供了經濟條件。

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