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JAHRESRÜCKBLICK 2011 - A European Union flag waves accross the Parthenon of Acropolis in Athens, Greece on 03 November 2011. Political developments are extremely fluid on Thursday in Athens, a day after a high-profile meeting in Cannes between Greek PM George Papandreou and the German and French leaders, Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy, a meeting that resulted in the Papandreou government backing off a decision for a referendum in January -- ostensibly to approve a lending agreement -- and instead eyeing a referendum in December over the question of Greece's membership in the Eurozone. EPA/ORESTIS PANAGIOTOU +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Krise Griechenland圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

德國總理梅克爾本周五與希臘總統帕普利亞斯(Karolos Papoulias)通電話,建議希臘在6月17日重新大選時,同時進行是否留在歐元區內的全民公投。看守內閣的發言人已經確認了這一消息,並透露議會各黨派也都獲知了梅克爾的這一提議。據悉,左翼黨派圈內已經有人認為,原則上外國不能建議舉行全民公投。
而早在去年11月,時任希臘總理帕潘德裡歐(Giorgos Papandreou)曾建議就此舉行全民公投,但遭到了德法兩國的強烈反對。

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