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A traditional mud structure stands in the Malian city of Timbuktu May 15, 2012. Al Qaeda-linked Mali Islamists armed with Kalashnikovs and pick-axes began destroying prized mausoleums of saints in the UNESCO-listed northern city of Timbuktu on June 30, 2012 in front of shocked locals, witnesses said. The Islamist Ansar Dine group backs strict sharia, Islamic law, and considers the shrines of the local Sufi version of Islam idolatrous. Sufi shrines have also been attacked by hardline Salafists in Egypt and Libya in the past year. Picture taken May 15, 2012. REUTERS/Adama Diarra (MALI - Tags: POLITICS RELIGION SOCIETY)
圖片來源: Reuters


目擊者稱,伊斯蘭極端分子周一(7月2日)繼續其對位於馬裡北部的通布圖(Timbuktu)古城遺址的搗毀行動。據當地一名目擊者通過電話告知德新社,全副武裝的極端分子毀壞了更多陵墓和其它古跡。上周,極端伊斯蘭分子已搗毀了16座古陵墓。馬裡政府日前最嚴厲譴責了搗毀行為,稱其「如同戰爭罪一樣可怕」。馬裡政府呼籲聯合國和國際社會提供幫助,制止這一野蠻暴力行為。通布圖古城1988年被列入「世界遺產名錄」,上月28日在36屆世界遺產大會上被列入「瀕危世界遺產名錄」。馬裡通訊社網站報導說,極端伊斯蘭組織「信仰捍衛者(Ansar Dine)」證實,該組織對搗毀行動負責。在北部地區單方面宣佈脫離馬裡中央政府後,「信仰捍衛者」成為控制了當地的組織之一。

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