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A poster of rightwing Swiss People's Party (SVP/UDC) is shown, before being covered with black paint by members of the regional group "Collective Citizen against Racism and Exclusion" in Nyon, Switzerland, Tuesday, May 13, 2008. The Swiss People's Party launched a proposal aimed at restoring ballots on citizenship applications. The initiative seeks to try to overturn an effective ban by the Federal Court five years ago. A nationwide vote is due to take place on June 1, 2008. Swiss Government rejects the naturalisation initiative. Foto: Salvatore Di Nolfi +++(c) dpa - Report+++
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

歐洲理事會人權委員會哈馬爾貝格(Thomas Hammarberg)批評瑞士國內種族歧視和仇外的現象有抬頭的趨勢。他表示,瑞士國內帶有仇外情緒的政治宣傳已經形成令人擔憂的趨勢。他說,言論自由並不是不設底限的自由,這一點必須得到澄清。「傷害他人利益的仇視性的言論是不可接受的,」他說,「瑞士國內的刑法應該加以修正,以結束這種公開做出仇外和種族歧視性言論卻不會受到懲罰的現象。」

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