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Microsoft logos hang over their booth on the opening day of the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas in this file photo taken January 10, 2012. Microsoft's keen new interns already think their competitors' days are numbered, branding Google and Facebook as "creepy" because of their aggressive stance on privacy and heavy reliance on advertising. REUTERS/Rick Wilking/Files (UNITED STATES - Tags: BUSINESS SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY)
圖片來源: Reuters


在經歷了多年的爭執後,歐盟委員會於周二正式啟動了控告微軟公司的程序。歐盟負責競爭事務的委員阿穆尼亞(Joaqín Almunia)指責微軟沒有向視窗用戶提供替代性瀏覽器,由此微軟沒有滿足歐盟施加的條件。阿穆尼亞指出,如果微軟公司不修改它的軟體,將面臨"嚴重後果"。微軟由此可能受到的懲罰將高達其年營業額的10%。

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