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Eurogroup president Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem (2ndL) speaks with journalists as European Union Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs Olli Rehn (L), European Central Bank President Mario Draghi (2ndR) and European Stability Mechanism Managing Director Klaus Regling (R) look on at a press conference at the informal meeting of Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) ministers at Dublin Castle in Dublin, Ireland on April 12, 2013. The two-day meeting, which brings together EU finance ministers and governors of EU central banks, focuses on current economic and financial issues. AFP PHOTO / PETER MUHLY (Photo credit should read PETER MUHLY/AFP/Getty Images)
Finanzministertreffen in Dublin圖片來源: Peter Muhly/AFP/Getty Images

德國以及其他5個歐盟國家再次呼籲應制定國際規則,打擊偷稅漏稅以及洗錢行為。德國財政部長朔依布勒以及法國、英國、義大利、西班牙和波蘭的財長們在都柏林召開的記者會上表明了他們的共同意願。法國財長莫斯科維奇(Pierre Moscovici)表示,不應該有任何例外。他的表態針對奧地利,因為該國財長費克特(Maria Fekter)仍然希望維護該國的銀行保密制度,反對交換金融數據。此次在都柏林會晤的歐洲6國財長還希望能夠就多年來備受爭議的歐盟利息稅改革方案達成一致。