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epa03199347 (FILE) A file photo dated 24 April 2012 shows Egyptians gathering in a protest calling for the release of Egyptian Ahmed al-Gizawi who is held in Saudi Arabia, in front of the Saudi embassy in Cairo, Egypt. Media reports on 28 April state that Saudi Arabia announced it was closing its embassy in Cairo and other consulates, and recalling its ambassador following protests in Egypt. Angry Egyptians have held protests outside the Saudi embassy in Cairo and consulates in other cities, demanding the release of an Egyptian human rights lawyer Ahmed al-Gizawi who was arrested in the kingdom on 17 April for allegedly carrying drugs. EPA/KHALED ELFIQI +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
沙烏地駐開羅使館前民眾抗議圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa



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