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French President Nicolas Sarkozy gestures during a media conference at an EU summit in Brussels on Sunday, Oct. 23, 2011. Greece's prime minister is pleading with European leaders in Brussels to act decisively to solve the continent's debt crisis. At a summit Sunday, the leaders are expected to ask banks to accept huge losses on Greek bonds to ease the pressure on the country, and to raise billions more in capital to weather those losses. (ddp images/AP Photo/Yves Logghe)/ eingest. sc
圖片來源: ap


法新社消息,薩科齊的律師和巴黎法律界人士稱,薩科齊因被指2007年競選總統時,收受歐萊雅集團繼承人利利亞納‧貝當古(Liliane Bettencourt)的非法捐贈,周二(7月3日)薩科齊在巴黎的私人住所及辦公室遭到警方的搜查。這位女富豪貝當古被指,2007年4月各有兩筆價值40萬歐元的總統競選費匯入了薩科齊的帳戶。現警方正對這兩筆非法政治獻金的去向展開調查。至此,薩科齊可能面臨多起腐敗案件和黨內財政問題的司法質詢。

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