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This is an undated image made available Wednesday Feb. 22, 2012 by the Sunday Times in London of journalist Marie Colvin. A French government spokeswoman on Wednesday identified two Western reporters killed in Syria as American war reporter Marie Colvin and French photojournalist Remi Ochlik . Colvin, from Oyster Bay, New York, had been a foreign correspondent for Britain's Sunday Times for two decades, reporting from the world's most dangerous places. She lost the sight in one eye in Sri Lanka in 2001 but did not let that deter her.(Foto:Sunday Times/AP/dapd) Undated photo of French photographer Remi Ochlik who died Wednesday Feb. 22, 2012 in Homs, Syria. French photojournalist Remi Ochlik and an American journalist Marie Colvin working for a British newspaper were killed Wednesday by Syrian government shelling of the opposition stronghold of Homs, France's government said.(Foto:Lucas Dolega/AP/dapd)
被殺害的兩名記者圖片來源: Montage DW/AP



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