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epa03395552 A photo made available on 12 September 2012, shows a vehicle set on fire at the US consulate, in Benghazi, Libya, 11 September 2012. Media reports state that the US ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, and three others were killed on 11 September when armed men stormed the US consulate in Benghazi during a protest over a film they said offended Islam. EPA/MUSTAFA EL-SHRIDI
Libyen Bengasi Anschlag auf US-Konsulat圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


在美國駐班加西領事館遭襲事件發生三個月後,一個獨立調查委員會對美國國務院提出嚴厲指責。該委員會在華盛頓宣佈,領事館中有兩個部門的安全預防措施存在漏洞,間接為襲擊者提供了便利。今年9月11日,美國駐班加西大使史蒂文斯(Christopher Stevens)和另外三名外交人員遇襲身亡。有關當局事後才將這一事件定義為恐怖襲擊。即將離任的國務卿克林頓表示,調查報告所提出的29條改進建議都已經得到實施。

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