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--FILE--Piles of rare earth to be exported to Japan are pictured at the Port of Lianyungang in Lianyungang city, east Chinas Jiangsu province, 5 September 2009. The EU has demanded that China loosen its policy on sales of rare earth materials after the World Trade Organisation upheld a ruling that Beijings policies to limit raw material exports violated international trade rules. The case, brought in 2009 by the EU, US and Mexico, touches on one of the biggest sources of tension in the world trading system: the use of export restrictions to hoard raw materials for the use of domestic manufacturers. Schlagworte Wirtschaft, Bergbau, Rohstoffe, China, Seltene Erden, Tagebau
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


據周一(3月12日)一期的《德國金融時報》報導,歐盟計劃就稀土問題在世貿組織起訴中國。歐盟議會綠黨黨團副主席比提科菲爾(Reinhart Bütikofer)稱,預料近期將出現新爭議。2009年,歐盟已就中國銳減稀土等原料出口向世貿組織提出起訴,要求中國取消對9種稀土的出口貿易限制。《德國金融時報》援引歐委會圈內人士報導說,歐盟將在近期再度提出起訴。歐委會的計劃獲得各成員國的支持。美國和日本也將參與起訴。去年,全球共消費13.7萬噸稀土,中國的稀土產量佔全球總產量的90%以上,擁有壟斷地位。去年年底,中國宣佈,將減少2012年上半年稀土出口量27%,今年全年的出口量為3萬噸。

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