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Police escort Muslim Brotherhood members through supporters of the interim government installed by the army from the al-Fath mosque on Ramses Square in Cairo August 17, 2013. Supporters of deposed President Mohamed Mursi fought a gunbattle with security forces in a Cairo mosque on Saturday, while Egypt's army-backed government, facing deepening chaos, considered banning his Muslim Brotherhood group. REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh (EGYPT - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)
圖片來源: Reuters


儘管領導人巴迪亞(Mohammed Badia)被捕,埃及穆斯林兄弟會仍表示將繼續其反對現任過渡政府的鬥爭。穆兄會一名發言人周二(8月20日)稱,巴迪亞只是眾多穆兄會成員中的一個,穆兄會已深深紮根於社會,反對「軍事政變」的鬥爭將繼續下去。巴迪亞昨天被捕,他受到指控,唆使示威者使用暴力。巴迪亞被捕後,穆兄會成員及同情者在推特網上掀起一場聲援「穆爾希德(Murschid,阿拉伯語中意為『引路人』)」運動。

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