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Election campaign posters are pictured near Zimbabweans walking on a street blocked by uncollected garbage in Harare July 17, 2013. President Robert Mugabe's rivals said on Wednesday the chaotic organisation of early voting for soldiers and police showed Zimbabwe was not ready for a July 31 general election in which more than six million people are registered to vote. Mugabe's main rival, Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, told a rally that the long queues seen during two days of special voting for 70,000 police officers and soldiers clearly showed the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) was ill-prepared. REUTERS/Philimon Bulawayo (ZIMBABWE - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS)
圖片來源: Reuters


辛巴威大選投票一天後,競選連任的現總統穆加貝讓其支持者宣佈他已獲勝。穆加貝所在的執政黨—非洲民族聯盟—愛國陣線(ZANU-PF)的一名領導成員周四(8月1日)對法新社表示,「我們已獲得令人信服的勝利」,政府總理茨萬吉拉伊(Morgan Tsvangirai)領導的爭取民主變革運動(MDC)「被擊敗」。現年89歲的穆加貝已連續執政33年。茨萬吉拉伊是其多年的政治競爭對手。有640萬選民的辛巴威昨天舉行下屆議會和總統選舉。據選舉委員會稱,此次大選有較高的參選率。正式計票結果將在數天內公佈。茨萬吉拉伊已是第四次競選總統。非洲聯盟稱,選舉過程中未發生大的違規現象。地方觀察員則表示,此次選舉的可信度受到嚴重威脅。在2008年的上屆大選中,茨萬吉拉伊陣營首輪投票領先,但在發生其支持者遭到大規模血腥攻擊事件後,他宣佈退選,並被迫同意與穆加貝分享權力。

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