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A view of the Ignalina nuclear power plant in A view of the Ignalina nuclear power plant in Visaginas Lithuania, Tuesday Dec. 15, 2009. The second and last nuclear reactor of the power plant is scheduled to be shut down on Dec. 31, 2009 as part of terms for Lithuania to join the European Union, but a referendum on the fate of the Chernobyl-style nuclear plant is overshadowing Lithuania's elections this weekend, and poses a dilemma for voters. Maintaining the power station - deemed unsafe by the European Union - would violate Lithuania's accession agreement with the bloc, but closing it would mean becoming dependent on Russian gas.(ddp images/AP Photo/Mindaugas Kulbis)Lithuania, Tuesday Dec. 15, 2009. The second and last nuclear reactor of the power plant is scheduled to be shut down on Dec. 31, 2009 as part of terms for Lithuania to join the European Union, but a referendum on the fate of the Chernobyl-style nuclear plant is overshadowing Lithuania's elections this weekend, and poses a dilemma for voters. Maintaining the power station - deemed unsafe by the European Union - would violate Lithuania's accession agreement with the bloc, but closing it would mean becoming dependent on Russian gas.(ddp images/AP Photo/Mindaugas Kulbis)
圖片來源: AP


立陶宛總統格裡鮑斯凱婕(Dalia Grybauskaite)今天(6月28日)簽署了建造核電站的一攬子法律文件,從而完成了這一同愛沙尼亞和拉脫維亞共建核電項目的法律程序。波羅的海沿岸三國共建核電意在擺脫對俄羅斯能源供應的依賴關係。設計發電量1300兆瓦的該核電站將建在立陶宛維薩吉納斯(Visaginas)湖畔,總投資約50億歐元,計劃於2020至2022年之間並網發電。

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