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FILE -- In an April 15, 2012 file photo NATO soldiers run during a gun battle in Kabul, Afghanistan. The United States and its NATO allies are readying plans to pull away from the front lines in Afghanistan next year as President Barack Obama and fellow leaders try to show that the unpopular war is ending. (AP Photo/Musadeq Sadeq/file)
圖片來源: dapd


紐西蘭最後一批駐阿富汗部隊約140名官兵將比原計劃提前數月,於明年4月撤回國內。紐西蘭內閣會議周一(9月3日)正式作出了這一決定。二周前,惠靈頓政府即已表明了相關態度。凱伊(John Key)總理強調指出,提前撤軍同最近發生的在阿富汗境內的紐西蘭軍人死亡事件無關。上個月,有5名駐阿紐西蘭軍人喪生。自2001年參與阿富汗使命以來,共有10名紐西蘭軍人死亡。