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SITTWE, MYANMAR - OCTOBER 28: Khin Khin Thant, 23yrs old mother of four children, displaced by the recent violence between Buddhist Rakhine and Muslim Rohingya in Kyukphyu township, sits with people after arriving to Thae chaung refugee campOctober 28, 2012 in Sittwe, Myanmar. Over twenty thousand people have been left displaced following violent clashes which has so far claimed a reported 80 lives. Clashes between Rakhine people, who make up the majority of the state's population, and Muslims from the state of Rohingya began in June. (Photo by Kaung Htet/Getty Images)
圖片來源: Getty Images


聯合國稱,緬甸國內因種族及宗教背景騷亂而被強迫遷徙人數已達2.8萬。聯合國緬甸人道援助事務協調員尼加姆(Ashok Nigam)周一(10月29日)指出,鑑於來自沿海地區的難民人數尚未得到統計,流離失所總人數可能還會增加,大多數難民是穆斯林。暴力騷亂於本月中旬爆發。此前,若干名穆斯林族群若興亞(Rohingya)男子受控姦污一名信仰佛教的若開族(Rokhine)姑娘。羅興亞族群感到受侮辱。據當局提供的數字,新近發生的暴力騷亂已導致至少84人喪生,120人受傷。緬甸政府今天表示,鑑於發生難民潮,已加強安全措施。該國總統吳登盛上周五發表對全國電視講話,警告暴力騷亂有可能影響民主進程,損害緬甸在國際社會形象。

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