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Democratic Party's Pier Luigi Bersani, the favourite to become Italy's prime minister after the general election, casts his ballot in a polling station on February 24, 2013 in Piacenza. Italians fed up with austerity went to the polls on Sunday in elections where the centre-left is the favourite, as Europe held its breath for signs of fresh instability in the eurozone's third economy. AFP PHOTO / ALBERTO LINGRIA (Photo credit should read ALBERTO LINGRIA/AFP/Getty Images)
貝爾薩尼圖片來源: Alberto Lingria/AFP/Getty Images


根據義大利媒體報導,該國本次議會大選初步揭曉,根據到目前為止的計票,社民黨人貝爾薩尼(Pier Luigi Bersani)的支持率29%,由此,貝爾薩尼可能成為義大利下一屆總理。貝爾薩尼希望同現任總理蒙蒂組成聯合政府,繼續該國的改革路線。貝盧斯科尼領導的中右聯盟贏得28%的支持率。排在第三位的是喜劇演員格利洛(Beppe Grillo),支持率為26%。現任總理蒙蒂得到10%的選票。目前,參議院的選情還沒有定論。

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