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Myanmar migrant workers gather for the arrival of Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi at Mae Tao clinic in Mae Sot town near the Thai-Myanmar border Saturday, June 2, 2012. Suu Kyi turned her attention to Myanmar's long-standing refugee crisis Saturday with a visit to a sprawling camp on Thailand's border to get her first glimpse of the hardships faced by hundreds of thousands who have fled war in her homeland. (AP Photo/Apichart Weerawong)
泰國的緬甸人圖片來源: dapd

緬甸反對派領導人翁山蘇姬訪問泰國期間看望了生活在當地的緬甸難民並承諾國家將為他們提供援助。翁山蘇姬在泰國西北部的美拉(Mae La)難民營表示,她將為難民能夠返回緬甸而努力。目前在泰國生活著約14萬來自鄰國緬甸的難民,其中許多人是克倫少數民族成員。

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