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In this Wednesday Feb. 22, 2012 photo, a Syrian rebel aims his rifle inside a classroom at a school in Deir Baalbeh neighborhood in Homs province, Syria. Syrians began voting Sunday on a new draft constitution aimed at quelling the country's uprising by ending the ruling Baath Party's five-decade domination of power, but the opposition announced a boycott and clashes were reported across the country. In regions like the restive central city of Homs, where shelling by government forces has left hundreds dead, or the northwestern province of Idlib and the southern region of Daraa where rebels clash frequently with the security forces, turnout is likely to be minimal. (Foto:AP/dapd)
圖片來源: dapd

聯合國的相關調查顯示,戰爭中,學校越來越頻繁的成為攻擊目標。聯合國兒童與武裝衝突問題秘書長特別代表澤魯居伊(Leila Zerrougui)在紐約表示,武裝衝突中,兒童的情況雖已基本有所改善,不過在一些地區也出現了「急劇惡化」的情況,比如在敘利亞或者是馬裡。在西非國家馬裡,有115所學校遭擄掠、被破壞,甚至被當作軍事基地。敘利亞情況也十分嚴峻。在政府軍和反對派的衝突中近2500所學校被毀或是被損壞,167位教育工作者被殺害。


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