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epa03385270 Syrian refugee woman fleeing violence in her country carry her child after crossing into Jordanian territory at Thuniba Village north of the Jordanian capital Amman , at the Syria-Jordan border on 05 September 2012, According to media reports on 04 September 2012, the UN said a record 103,000 Syrians had fled the fighting in August, the highest monthly number since the conflict broke out a year earlier. EPA/STR +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Jordanien Syrien Bürgerkrieg syrische Flüchtlinge in Irbid圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

聯合國難民署高級專員古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)呼籲歐洲國家無限制地接受敘利亞難民。在接受《世界報》採訪時,古特雷斯表示,歐洲應該和敘利亞鄰國共同承擔接收敘利亞難民的重負並對所有願意前來的敘利亞難民表示歡迎。他還讚揚德國接受5000名敘利亞難民的計劃是一個良好的例子並希望其它國家加以效仿。據聯合國估計,有2百萬敘利亞人為躲避內戰流亡國外,430萬敘利亞人逃往敘利亞國內其它地區。

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