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Major General Robert Mood, the head of the U.N. observer mission in Syria, speaks during a press conference, in Damascus, Syria, Friday, June 15, 2012. Mood said Friday a spike in violence is derailing the monitoring mission, which is the only functioning part of an international peace plan to calm the country's spiraling crisis. He also blamed both sides of the conflict for the escalating bloodshed. (Foto:Bassem Tellawi, Pool/AP/dapd)
圖片來源: dapd


聯合國駐敘利亞非武裝軍事觀察團計劃下周恢復工作。觀察團負責人莫爾(Robert Moore)將軍今天(7月5日)在大馬士革作了上述宣佈。他稱,各觀察小組將開赴各省和地區,就地核查。因人身安全得不到保障,聯合國觀察團上月15日宣佈暫停在敘的工作。根據聯合國迄今的一項授權,觀察使命將於本月20日結束。莫爾將軍日前表示,他猜測,聯合國會延長觀察團使命。

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