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聯大高票通過決議 譴責美國對古巴制裁

Panamanian flagged freight container vessel 'Cala Pinguino' approaches Havana September 24, 2013. Cuba published rules and regulations on Monday governing its first special development zone, touting new port facilities in Mariel Bay in a bid to attract investors and take advantage of a renovated Panama Canal. The Mariel special development zone covers 180 square miles (466 square km) west of Havana and is centered around a new container terminal under construction in Mariel Bay, 28 miles (45 km) from the Cuban capital. REUTERS/Desmond Boylan (CUBA - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS MARITIME TRANSPORT EMPLOYMENT)
圖片來源: Reuters

聯合國全體大會每年都會就美國對古巴經濟制裁案進行投票,今年有188個國家投下贊成票,譴責美國的制裁行動,創下歷史最高紀錄。僅有美國和以色列在周二的表決中投票反對這一決議。該決議要求美國停止對古巴已歷時五十年的制裁。古巴外長羅德裡格斯(Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla)表示,美國反對古巴的政策遭到國際社會的孤立,這一政策沒有任何道德或法律依據。羅德裡格斯表示,儘管美國近來放鬆了古巴公民的入境限制,但制裁依然有效,並且得到徹底實施。據稱,美國的制裁造成古巴經濟損失高達1兆美元,並阻礙該國進口治療心臟病及愛滋病的藥物。