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Two Chinese surveillance ships which sailed between a Philippines warship and eight Chinese fishing boats to prevent the arrest of Chinese fishermen in the Scarborough Shoal, a small group of rocky formations whose sovereignty is contested by the Philippines and China, about 124 nautical miles off the Philippine island of Luzon, are seen in the South China Sea in this April 10, 2012 file photo. China withdrew one of three ships engaged in a standoff with Philippines vessels in a disputed area of the South China Sea on April 13, 2012 as both sides pursued talks to defuse the dispute. REUTERS/Philippine Army Handout/Files (PHILIPPINES - Tags: POLITICS MILITARY MARITIME) FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
Philippinen China Streit um Seegebiet Fischereikontrolle im Südchinesischen Meer Kriegsschiff圖片來源: Reuters

菲律賓政府表示,一艘中國軍艦進入了南中國海菲方有主權要求的海域。據美聯社報導,該國外交事務發言人周六表示,馬尼拉希望北京方面給出解釋,為什麼這艘中國軍艦會在半月礁(Half Monn Shoal),也就是距離菲律賓西部省份巴拉望島(Palawan)只有110公里的海域突然擱淺。菲國防部表示,一架菲律賓軍用飛機已經到事發地點附近巡查,發現了擱淺的中國軍艦附近還有6艘其他的中方艦船,並要求中國解釋這些船隻在相關海域出現的原因。中方則表示,這些船隻是在為擱淺的軍艦提供救援。此前,中國外交部曾發表簡短聲明稱,一艘中國軍艦周三在相關海域執行例行巡邏任務時意外擱淺,但無人員傷亡。

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