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epa03165548 A Yemeni man passes soldiers who have defected for the Government forces on an armored vehicle guarding during a protest demanding the independence of the judiciary in Sana'a, Yemen, 30 March 2012. According to media reports, thousands of Yemeni protesters gathered in Sana'a to demand the independence of the judiciary and the prosecution of those responsible for the killing of hundreds of their fellows during one-year bloody protests against the 34-year rule of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB EPA/YAHYA ARHAB +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
圖片來源: dapd


葉門政府軍周三(6月5日)早晨起對極端恐怖主義基地組織葉門分支發動大規模攻勢。政府軍一名代表通報說,在坦克和武裝直升機的支援下,地面部隊向位於海港城市穆卡拉(Mukalla)以東約20公里的蓋勒巴瓦希爾(Ghail Bawasir)推進。當地居民證實了政府軍的攻勢。上個月,在政府軍暫時撤離後,伊斯蘭極端武裝佔領了東南省份哈德拉毛(Hadramaut)。基地武裝分子多年來使位於阿拉伯半島南端的葉門政府窮於應付。2011年,極端勢力利用反對派和長期擔任國家總統的薩利赫(Ali Abdullah Saleh)之間的權力鬥爭,奪取了對葉門南部廣大地區的控制,並在當地強行實施伊斯蘭沙利亞法。

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