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Sudanese anti-government protesters chant slogans after the Friday noon prayer in the Omdurman district of northern Khartoum, Sudan, Friday, Sept. 27, 2013. Security forces opened fire on Sudanese protesters Friday, witnesses said, as thousands marched through the streets of the capital in an opposition push to turn a wave of popular anger over fuel price hikes into an outright uprising against the 24-year rule of President Omar al-Bashir. (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)
反政府抗議人群圖片來源: picture alliance/AP Photo

蘇丹已經連續五天發生總統巴希爾(Omar al-Baschir)的反對者與安全力量之間的暴力衝突。在周五的伊斯蘭禮拜活動結束之後,首都喀土穆和其它城市又有成千上萬人走上街頭舉行示威,反對政府以及不斷飛漲的物價。警方對示威人群動用了催淚彈。據反對派方面稱,自從抗議浪潮開始以來,已經有超過100人死亡。人權組織「國際特赦組織」(Amnesty International)稱,至少50人是因為頭部或上半身中彈身亡。此外還有600人被逮捕。美國和歐盟對蘇丹安全力量的暴力手段表示擔憂。

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