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(FILES) A Chadian soldier in no-mans-land between the border of Chad and Sudan, just outside Tine, Tuesday, 27 January 2004. Chadian rebel forces, which for days have been marching on Ndjamena, have entered the capital and are moving in the direction of the presidential palace, reports said 02 February 2008. According to reports from the al-Jazeera broadcaster, the sound of battle could be heard near the presidential palace, while Frenchmedia was reporting that around 2,000 rebel troops were in the city. EPA/STEPHEN MORRISON +++(c) dpa - Report+++
圖片來源: Picture-Alliance /dpa


蘇丹軍隊稱,該國軍隊在危機地區南柯爾多凡(South Kordofan)與叛亂武裝的衝突中,擊斃了50個叛亂分子。蘇丹軍方發言人稱,在本周五的這場流血衝突中也有10名士兵遭襲遇難。


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