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Supporters of Mali's junta participate in a demonstration against regional bloc ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) at the international airport of Bamako March 29, 2012. Jets carrying West African presidents for a meeting with Mali's new military leaders were forced to turn back mid-flight on Thursday after hundreds of supporters of last week's coup invaded Bamako's main runway. An official from regional bloc ECOWAS said the meeting, aimed at pressuring coup leaders to swiftly restore constitutional rule after they ousted President Amadou Toumani Toure, could be rescheduled for Friday if security allowed. REUTERS/Luc Gnago (MALI - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST MILITARY) // Eingestellt von wa
圖片來源: Reuters


西非國家經濟共同體將向馬裡派遣規模為3300人的多國部隊,驅逐同基地組織有密切聯繫的叛亂武裝。多國部隊司令、科特迪瓦總統瓦塔拉(Alassane Outtara)當地時間昨天(11月11日)通報說,該部隊的主要成員來自奈及利亞、尼日爾以及布吉納法索,一旦聯合國批准相關計劃,部隊就將開拔。西共體會議昨天批准了由非洲、聯合國及歐盟軍事專家共同制定的最後方案。今年3月,在馬裡首都巴馬科發生政變後,伊斯蘭叛亂武裝攫取了馬裡北部地區的權力。西方擔心,該地區由此會成為極端分子的訓練基地。

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