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A train derails in this still image from the video of a security camera near Santiago de Compostela, northwestern Spain, July 24, 2013. The train derailed outside the ancient northwestern Spanish city of Santiago de Compostela on Wednesday evening, killing at least 77 people and injuring up to 131 in one of Europe's worst rail disasters. Video taken July 24, 2013. REUTERS/CCTV via Reuters TV (SPAIN - Tags: DISASTER TRANSPORT) ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS PICTURE IS DISTRIBUTED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS. NO SALES. NO ARCHIVES
Videostill Spanien Zugunglück in Santiago de Compostela圖片來源: Reuters

西班牙火車脫軌事件中的火車司機拒絕向調查人員透露任何訊息。當地警方表示,會盡快將其送上法庭。當地媒體報導中現年52歲的阿莫(Francisco José Garzón Amo)已經成為這起導致至少78人喪生的重大鐵路交通事件的關鍵性人物。有西班牙報社發現,他以前就在自己的臉書帳號中炫耀過駕駛列車高速行駛的紀錄。此次在聖城聖地亞哥坎普斯特拉(Santiago de Compostela)發生的列車脫軌事件普遍被認為是由於超速而起:列車當時在限速80公里的地段實際行駛速度為每小時190公里。