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This picture taken on January 28, 2013 shows the ring leader Phan Van Thu (R-standing) and his group members standing trial at a local People's Court in the southern central province of Phu Yen. Vietnam on February 4 sentenced 22 activists to lengthy jail terms ranging from 10 years to life imprisonment, a defence lawyer said, in one of the country's largest subversion trials for years. Ring leader Phan Van Thu from the group called Hoi Dong Cong Luat Cong An Bia Son in Vietnamese, was given a life-long jail term while his 21 other members were handed between 10 and 17 years, according to the lawyer. AFP PHOTO / Vietnam News Agency (Photo credit should read Vietnam News Agency/AFP/Getty Images)
圖片來源: Vietnam News Agency/AFP/Getty Images


據德新社報導,越南一名對政府持批評立場的著名博主周五(6月14日)因「濫用民主自由權」被當局逮捕。越南公安部在其網站上通報了現年61歲的范越陶(Pham Viet Dao)被捕的消息。范越陶是前文化部視察員,常在網路上批評執政黨和政府領導人。曾在羅馬尼亞留學的范越陶以翻譯羅馬尼亞文學著名。人權組織指控越南當局對異議人士採取越來越強硬的不容忍態度,迄今已逮捕了其中的數十人。

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