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This combination of undated photos shows Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, left, and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19. The FBI says the two brothers and suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing killed an MIT police officer, injured a transit officer in a firefight and threw explosive devices at police during a getaway attempt in a long night of violence that left Tamerlan dead and Dzhokhar still at large on Friday, April 19, 2013. The ethnic Chechen brothers lived in Dagestan, which borders the Chechnya region in southern Russia. They lived near Boston and had been in the U.S. for about a decade, one of their uncles reported said. (AP Photo/The Lowell Sun & Robin Young)
圖片來源: picture alliance/AP Photo


俄羅斯達格斯坦當局稱,被美國警方擊斃的波士頓爆炸襲擊嫌犯塔梅爾蘭‧薩納耶夫(Tamerlan Zarnajew)同伊斯蘭地下組織沒有聯繫。據國際文傳電訊社報導,達格斯坦內政部長馬戈梅多夫(Abduraschid Magomedow)周三(4月24日)表示,為更換護照,塔梅爾蘭‧薩納耶夫曾於2012年在位於北高加索衝突地區的達格斯坦逗留,沒有跡象顯示,他在逗留期間與極端組織或恐怖分子發生聯繫。塔梅爾蘭是在美國受到正式起訴的另一名嫌犯焦哈爾‧薩納耶夫(Dschochar Zarnajew)的長兄。因傷重而在醫院搶救的焦哈爾在接受調查人員的初步詢問時強調,他們兄弟倆是單獨行動,並無國際恐怖組織的幫助。

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