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In this March 23, 2011 photograph, Afghan detainees, seen through a mesh wire fence, prepare for noon prayers inside the Parwan detention facility near Bagram Air Field in Afghanistan. More than a dozen detainees who were picked up outside of Afghanistan have been cleared for release by review boards but are still in the prison, according to an estimate by the Human Rights First nonprofit international organization. (Foto:Dar Yasin/AP/dapd)
圖片來源: dapd


美軍在阿富汗的最大監獄將在半年內移交給阿富汗當局。北約部隊司令艾倫(John Allen)和阿富汗國防部長瓦爾達克(Abdul Rahim Wardak)周五(3月9日)簽署了一份相關備忘錄。根據這一備忘錄,毗鄰首都喀布爾的美軍巴格拉姆基地附近的帕爾旺(Parvan)監獄將在6個月內移交由阿富汗當局管理。達成相關協議是國際阿富汗安全援助部隊所作努力的組成部分。艾倫將軍表示,備忘錄的簽署是有關戰略夥伴談判進程中的重要一步。國際部隊致力於在遠景上,將所有國家職權都移交給阿富汗政府。阿富汗總統卡爾扎伊曾提出最後通牒,要求美軍交出對帕爾旺監獄的管理權。

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