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In this Dec. 4, 2007 file photo, then Khowst Province Gov. Arsallah Jamal meets with Defense Secretary Robert Gates in Khowst Province, Afghanistan. Afghan officials say a bomb placed inside a mosque in the country¿s east has killed Jamal, currently the governor of Logar province. They say the explosion took place as Jamal was delivering a speech on Tuesday morning, Oct. 15, 2013 to mark the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha. (AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari, Pool, File)
圖片來源: picture alliance/AP Photo

阿富汗洛加爾省(Logar)行政長官查瑪爾(Arsala Dschamal/資料圖片)被一枚隱藏在麥克風中的炸彈炸死。當時查瑪爾正在一所清真寺發表伊斯蘭古爾邦節講話,襲擊者通過遠程遙控引爆了炸彈。官方表示,另有15人在爆炸中受傷。具有重要戰略意義的洛加爾省位於首都喀布爾南部。在古爾邦節前夕,逃亡中的塔利班領袖奧馬爾(Mullah Oma)號召其武裝分子加強暴力襲擊活動。此外他還警告喀布爾政府,不要與美國簽訂安全協議。該協議將對2014年北約部隊撤離阿富汗後美國軍隊繼續駐留該國作出規定。聯購前,美國士兵在洛加爾逮捕了具有重要影響力的巴基斯坦塔利班領導人梅蘇德(Latifullah Mehsud)。

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