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epa03756317 A police cordon can be seen in the street were according to police the opposition activist Gjon Pjeter Gjoni was killed in a shootout near a polling station in Lac, some 60 km northwest of Tirana, Albania, 23 June 2013. Mhill Fufi, a parliamentary candidate for the ruling Democratic Party, and another person were injured in the incident. Albanians began voting 23 June in a parliamentary election that could determine whether the country was meeting demands by the European Union for more transparency as a condition for joining the bloc. The European Union has warned Albania that the election must meet international standards if it wants to launch accession talks. It applied for membership in 2009. There have been allegations of vote manipulation and wrangling for control over the central election commission. The election is expected to be a close race between the Democratic Party of conservative Prime Minister Sali Berisha and the leftist opposition led by Socialist Party chief Edi Rama. EPA/STR BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

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