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In this photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, Syrian President Bashar Assad waves to his supporters after he attended the prayer of Eid Al Adha, at the al-Nour Mosque in the northern town of Raqqa, Syria, on Sunday, Nov. 6, 2011. Syrians in the restive region of Homs performed special prayers for a major Muslim holiday to the sound of explosions and gunfire as government troops pushed forward their assault on the area, killing at least several people Sunday, residents and activists said. (AP Photo/SANA) EDITORIAL USE ONLY
敘利亞總統阿薩德圖片來源: AP


據敘利亞新聞網站"All4Syria"周三報導,敘利亞總統巴沙爾‧阿薩德的母親,阿妮薩‧馬赫魯夫( Anisa Machluf)贊成全家逃離敘利亞,但前提條件是俄羅斯和美國必須保障阿薩德家族及其緊密追隨者免予起訴。這位前總統哈菲茲‧阿薩德的遺孀列舉了去年被反對派打死的利比亞獨裁者卡扎菲的命運。據來自敘利亞總統府的消息,龐大總統家族的一部分成員堅決反對流亡。理由是俄羅斯和伊朗會長期阻止國際社會的干預。上述說法尚無法獲得證實。

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