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An opposition activist wearing a T-shirt depicting Russian President Vladimir Putin looks on during a banned anti-Kremlin protest in St.Petersburg, Russia, Thursday, May 31, 2012. Opposition groups have been calling rallies on the 31st day of each month to honor the 31st article of the Russian Constitution, which guarantees the right of assembly. Most of the rallies have been banned or dispersed by police as unsanctioned. (Foto:Dmitry Lovetsky/AP/dapd)
圖片來源: AP


預計本周六(9月15日)在莫斯科將舉行近三個月以來第一次大規模反普丁示威。據德新社消息,已有上萬人報名參加示威活動。屆時將有一隻約7000人的安全部隊到場維持秩序。就在計劃集會的前一天,在本周五(9月14日),俄羅斯杜馬解除了反對黨成員古德科夫(Gennadi Gudkow)的議員資格。後者曾是多個大型示威遊行活動的組織者之一。

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