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Two young fighters of the Islamist group Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO) walk in the streets of Gao on July 17, 2012. A group of armed youths has arrived in Gao from Burkina Faso, joining hundreds of other young African recruits who have come to sign up with radical Islamists controlling the northern Mali town. AFP PHOTO / ISSOUF SANOGO (Photo credit should read ISSOUF SANOGO/AFP/GettyImages)
Islamisten Bewegung Jihad in West Afrika圖片來源: Getty Images

據毛裡塔尼亞一新聞通訊社刊登的聲明稱,伊斯蘭極端分子周日已處決日前被綁架的阿爾及利亞外交官。西非統一與聖戰運動(Mujao)發表的聲明指出,阿爾及利亞外交官塔希爾‧圖阿蒂(Taher Touati)已於周六清晨遭到處決,阿爾及利亞政府必須為固執和錯誤決策承擔完全責任。該組織在8月24日對阿爾及利亞發出最後通牒,在阿爾及利亞拒絕釋放被關押的伊斯蘭極端分子後,威脅殺害人質。與基地有聯繫的極端組織西非統一與聖戰運動今年四月綁架了七名阿爾及利亞外交人員,三名人質在七月獲釋。

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