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In this photo taken on June 30, 2010, Ni Yulan on a wheelchair is helped by her husband Dong Jiqin outside a temporary lodging in a hotel in Beijing. Ni, a former lawyer and veteran activist left disabled by past police mistreatment, went on trial Thursday, Dec. 29, 2011, the third dissident in a week to be prosecuted as China presses a sweeping crackdown to deter popular uprisings like the ones that shook the Arab world. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)
倪玉蘭夫婦圖片來源: dapd


據德新社報導,美國駐華大使駱家輝(Gary Locke)周一(4月16日)呼籲中國當局釋放著名維權人士倪玉蘭夫婦,並要求立即取消對她(他)們的女兒董璇人身自由的限制。上周,北京一家法院以「刻意引發爭執、尋釁滋事及破壞私有及公有財產」分別判處倪玉蘭(51歲)及其丈夫董繼勤(59歲)2年零8個月和2年監禁。倪玉蘭夫婦曾長期為政府強征土地受害者的權益提供法律維權幫助。2002年和2008年,倪玉蘭曾先後兩次因「妨礙公務」和「破壞公物」的罪名被判監禁,在拘押期間被毒打致殘,只能靠輪椅行動。駱家輝大使今天表示,他對倪玉蘭夫婦遭判決「非常憂慮」,對倪玉蘭的健康狀況非常憂慮,他同時譴責當局對倪玉蘭夫婦的女兒實施沒有法律依據的軟禁。

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