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新聞短訊之後我們關注: -艾未未獲得保釋,但麻煩遠未結束 -歐巴馬宣佈開始從阿富汗撤軍 -日本皇太子訪問德國 之後是德語報刊摘要及簡訊平台欄目。

Activist artist Ai Weiwei gestures while speaking to journalists gathered outside his home in Beijing, China, Thursday, June 23, 2011. Ai, the most high-profile target of a sweeping crackdown on activists in China, has returned home late Wednesday after nearly three months in detention. The official Xinhua News Agency said Ai confessed to tax evasion, accusations his family had long denied and which activists had denounced as a false premise for detaining him. (Foto:Ng Han Guan/AP/dapd)
艾未未周四在家門口面對媒體圖片來源: dapd

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