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新聞; 時事焦點:西藏流亡政府領導人更新換代; 德國政界,藝術界知名人士呼籲釋放艾維未未; 中國「世界工廠」頭銜將成為歷史; 「不光彩的曝光」-管塔納摩犯人危險性分析; 簡訊平台和每日報摘欄目。

Workers at a garment factory in Huaibei city of east Chinas Anhui Province December 7, 2005. China reported its fastest economic growth in a decade on Tuesday with the economy rising at 11.3 percent during the second quarter. Exports surged by 25.2 percent to USD 428.3 bn, racking up a surplus of USD 61.8 bn and further fuelling the fast pace of rise in Chinas economy.The government warned that booming construction and bank loans could fuel inflation, raising expectations that Beijing might nudge up interest rates and possibly the value of its currency +++(c) dpa - Report+++
中國的服裝工廠圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa
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