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今天的節目中,新聞簡訊之後,我們關注: 颶風艾琳逼近 美國高度戒備; 德國前總理施密特抨擊現總理梅克爾; 以及香港媒體摘要與聽眾園地欄目,歡迎收聽。

In this image released by NOAA, Saturday, Aug 27, 2011, Hurricane Irene from the NOAA GOES-13 satellite is shown in its native format: grayscale and unprojected. Hurricane Irene opened its assault on the Eastern Seaboard on Saturday by lashing the North Carolina coast with wind as strong as 115 mph and pounding shoreline homes with waves. Farther north, authorities readied a massive shutdown of trains and airports, with 2 million people ordered out of the way. (Foto:NOAA/AP/dapd)
Hurrikan / Irene / USA / New York圖片來源: AP


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