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新聞之後的時事焦點關注: 刑法修正案:「監視居住」引爭議。 印度「新甘地」感動年輕一代。 土耳其歸還非穆斯林團體不動產。 非盟仍未放棄卡扎菲。 之後是德語媒體看中國。

An activist holds papers bearing the words "law and justice" outside a court house during the trial of Zhao Lianhai in Beijing, Tuesday, March 30, 2010. Zhao Lianhai, who organized a support group for parents of children sickened in one of China's worst food safety scandals pleaded not guilty Tuesday to charges of inciting social disorder, his lawyer said. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)
圖片來源: AP
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