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新聞;埃及前總統穆巴拉克接受法庭審訊; 美債危機暫時緩解 中國作出回應;中國官方是否放出了治理微博的訊號?台灣白玫瑰要求加速修訂性侵害防治法。之後是德語媒體看中國;最後是簡訊平台節目。

This video image taken from Egyptian State Television shows 83-year-old Hosni Mubarak speaking into a microphone as he lies on a hospital bed inside a cage of mesh and iron bars in a Cairo courtroom Wednesday Aug. 3, 2011 as his historic trial began on charges of corruption and ordering the killing of protesters during the uprising that ousted him. The scene, shown live on Egypt's state TV, was Egyptians' first look at their former president since Feb. 10, the day before his fall when he gave a defiant speech refusing to resign. (Foto:Egyptian State TV/AP/dapd) EGYPT OUT
病床上接受庭審的穆巴拉克圖片來源: Egyptian State TV/AP/dapd
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