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利比亞選舉 歐元危機 網路人權 休假工作 飛行員過勞 手機生活

epa03299131 Libyans celebrate the vote in the National Congress elections at the corniche road (seaside road), in Benghazi, Libya, 07 July 2012. Voters headed to the polls across Libya on 07 July to elect a 200-seat National Congress, which will have legislative powers and appoint a new government, amid fears of violence and calls for boycott in eastern cities. Around 2.7 million Libyans have registered to vote to elect the assembly, consisting of 120 directly elected members and 80 contenders from party lists. EPA/AMEL PAIN +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa
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